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2022-10-14 14:47:05 编辑:无 浏览:(1360次)

>>Preference & Choice(共34题)

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are more interested in reading negative news stories than positive ones. Explain why. Use specific examples and details in your response.


2. Many schools require students to read a certain number of books over extended school breaks. Some schools provide students with a list of books to read while others allow children to choose their own books. Which do you think is better? Explain why.


3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than criticize their bad behavior. Use details and examples to support your opinion.


4. Some people believe that music education in school should focus only on classical and other traditional forms of music. Other people believe that students should also learn about current popular music in school. Which view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.


5. Some people enjoy having friends drop by for an unplanned or surprise visit. Others prefer that friends let them know in advance before coming to visit. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


6. When watching movies and television shows with friends and family, some people prefer that everyone remain quiet until the end. Other people enjoy talking and sharing opinions during the movies and shows. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


7. Some people like to throw away old things like old books and old newspapers, while others like to keep these old things. Which do you prefer? Why?


8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best decisions are made by groups rather than individuals providing a well-supported opinion, using details and examples to explain who makes the best decisions.


9. Some people prefer to do several tasks or projects together at the same time. Others prefer to work on one task or project at a time. Which do you prefer and why?


10. When people have several different tasks to do, some people like to begin by doing the most difficult task first. Other people prefer to start with the easier task and save the most difficult for last. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


11. Some teachers have an informal style and treat their students almost like friends. Other teachers have a more formal style and keep a professional distance from students. Which teaching style do you think is better for learning? Explain why, using details and examples.


12. Imagine that you need to find housing next semester and have found two possible apartments. The first apartment is within walking distance 'to campus, but the rent is a little expensive. The second apartment is farther away from campus, but the rent is more affordable. Which apartment do you think is better? Explain why.


13. Some people prefer to go to the gym every day, while others prefer to go when they have free time, which do you prefer and why?


14. Family members and friends often disagree on controversial issues such as politics. Some people think it is important to try to convince friends and family to change their opinions. Others think that they should respect others' opinions and not try to change them. Which view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.


15. Some people think that children should be rewarded for their effort even if they are not successful. Others think that children are being rewarded too often for anything that they try to do. Which view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.


16. Your university has received a donation to use specifically on improving the fitness and sports center on campus. Some students think the university should use the money to start offering free group fitness classes with professional instructors. Other students think the university should spend the money on purchasing new, modern gym equipment, such as electronic treadmills and bicycles. There is enough money for only one of these proposals. Which proposal do you support, and why?


17. Some people think employees should complete their work as perfectly as possible; other people think people should try to do more work. Which do you agree with?


18. Some people think it is important to dress in a fashionable way, others think it is unnecessary to wear fashionable, which do you prefer and why?


19. Some professors like to give students feedback on their homework in person, while others like to send them emails. Which way do you prefer and why?


20. Imagine you have been offered two jobs. One job pays a very high salary but requires you to work very long hours and weekends. The other job pays a lower salary but does not require you to work outside of regular business hours. Which job would you choose? Explain why.


21. Imagine that you need to take a course next semester and must decide between two professors to take it with. The first professor is very interesting but has a strict grading policy. The second professor is boring but has an easy grading policy. Which professor would you prefer to take the course with? Explain why.


22. Some people prefer to shop for groceries at specialty shops such as butcher shops and bakeries. Others prefer to shop for everything at once at a supermarket. Which do you think is better and why? Use details and examples to support your answer.


23. Friends or colleagues sometimes need to have a serious talk about a problem, such as a misunderstanding. Some people prefer to have these important discussions in a public place, such as a café or restaurant. Others prefer to have such talks in a more private place or at home. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


24. When discussing controversial or upsetting problems, some like to use the phone, while others like to write an email or a letter. Which do you prefer and why?


25. Some students like to attend big classes that have a lot of people studying together, while others like to attend small classes with limited numbers of students. Which do you prefer and why?


26. Some people like to hold parties, while others like to attend one. Which do you prefer and why?


27. When looking for jobs, some people take salaries as the most important thing, while others value job satisfaction more than money. What kind of person are you and why?


28. Some college students choose a course of study that will give them specific professional training, such as teaching or engineering. Others choose a broader course of study, such as philosophy or history, that will give them more general knowledge. Which do you think is better? Explain why, using specific examples and details.


29. Do you think the government should spend money saving endangered animals or does the money has to come from private sources?


30. Some universities expect students to choose a major field of study when they enter university. Other universities allow students to wait until the second or third year before deciding on a major field of study. Which do you think is better? Why?


31. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should be self-sufficient instead of depending on others.


32. Some people prefer to watch the news every day, while others prefer to watch the news once in a while. Which do you prefer and why?


33. Some people believe that it is necessary to take risks in order to be successful at something. Others believe that success comes from making careful and safe decisions. What is your opinion?


34. Some people prefer to borrow money from friends to make a big purchase. Other people prefer to wait until they have saved enough money to make a big purchase. Which way do you prefer and why?