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雅思写作 10-11月机考预测

2024-10-17 16:45:23 编辑:无 浏览:(62次)


Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to make vehicle drivers take a test every year. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?





support annual testing

  • Skill Maintenance保持熟练度:

    Annual tests could help refresh drivers' knowledge of traffic laws, road signs, and safe driving practices. Just like any skill, driving can deteriorate over time, especially if individuals do not frequently engage in it. This would ensure that all drivers are aware of any changes in regulations or best practices.



  • Increased Accountability提升责任感:

    Regular testing may lead to heightened awareness and responsibility among drivers. Knowing that they will be assessed annually could encourage individuals to adopt safer driving behaviors, such as not speeding, avoiding distractions, and being more vigilant on the road.



  • Identification of Unsafe Drivers甄别马路杀手:

    Annual tests could help identify drivers who may pose a risk due to declining abilities or hazardous behaviors. This can prevent accidents by removing unsafe drivers from the road or providing them with additional training.




oppose annual testing


  • Driver Experience老司机会不爽:

    Many experienced drivers may feel that they do not require yearly assessments, as they have demonstrated their skills over time. Forcing all drivers to undergo testing may be seen as unnecessary and could lead to resistance.



  • Cost and Accessibility成本高、很麻烦:

    Implementing an annual testing system could be financially burdensome for both governments and drivers. There would be costs associated with administering tests, and not all individuals may have easy access to testing locations, particularly in rural areas. 



  • Not the Only Solution还有别的办法:

    Focusing solely on annual testing may overlook other critical factors influencing road safety. For instance, improving road infrastructure, enhancing public transport, enforcing stricter penalties for traffic violations, and conducting awareness campaigns could significantly reduce accidents.
