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2021-12-10 11:00:41 编辑:无 浏览:(942次)

Part 2  Top 20高频话题


1.Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike. 高楼

2.Describe a company which employs a lot of people. 大公司

3.Describe a place you visited on vacation. 度假

4.Describe a natural talent you want to improve. 天赋

5.Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go. 旅行

6.Describe a difficult decision that you once made. 难做的决定

7.Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading. 一本书

8.Describe an activity that you do after school/work. 学习工作之余的活

9.Describe a film that you like. 喜欢的电影

10.Describe a creative person whose work you admire. 有创造力的人

11.Describe a city that you want to live in. 想生活的城市

12.Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try海边活动

13.Describe a cafe you like to visit. 咖啡馆

14.Describe a time when you got up early. 早起

15.Describe a famous athlete you know. 有名的运动员

16.Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop. 习惯

17.Describe your favourite singer. 喜欢的歌手

18.Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen. 等待

19.Describe a good service you received. 好的服务

20.Describe a businessman you admire. 商人